
Review of the Mercedes GLE: Unbelievable transformation you won’t believe!

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Discover the new Mercedes GLE!

The GLE sits between the GLC and the GLS in the Mercedes SUV range. The question is: should you choose it over its bigger or smaller brother? And does it offer enough to steer you away from competitors like the BMW X5 or the Audi Q7?

Well, let’s start by taking a look at the design. On the outside, the car remains relatively similar to the previous model, but with some key changes. At the back, there’s a set of new taillights and on the sides, there are some new alloy wheel designs to choose from. Up front, it’s more of the same, although you’ll find an updated grille flanked by a set of new headlights and daytime running lights.

Step inside and you’ll find even more similarities to the old car. One of the key updates is the steering wheel, which now comes equipped with a lot of touch-sensitive buttons. But, to be honest, we find them a bit complicated to use and, in any case, we’d prefer the old steering wheel! Other than that, the design is quite nice and there are soft-touch materials in most of the cabin, just don’t lean too low if you’re afraid of hard plastics!

When it comes to engine options, there’s a wide variety to choose from. We have in our hands the plug-in hybrid edition, which comes equipped with a 4-cylinder 2-liter petrol engine and an electric motor, combined to produce 380 hp. There are two diesel engines to choose from, with the top of the range being a 3-liter inline 6-cylinder engine that delivers 390 hp, and finally, there are some petrol options to choose from, with the flagship being, of course, the AMG 63, which comes with a 4-liter twin-turbo V8 engine that generates 634 hp.

But here’s the thing: the GLE is not cheap! Its starting price is around £78,000, and if you’re looking for the plug-in hybrid like the one we have here, it will cost you around £93,000! So, is it worth it? You’ll have to stick with Mat and see it for yourself!

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Credit: YouTube/carwow Latin America

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