
Shelby F150 with 770 horse power competes against Monster Race Truck in exhilarating drag race

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Here at carwow, we absolutely love trucks, and it’s time for a battle between two extremes!

In this drag race, we managed to pit the Shelby F-150 Super Snake against a Monster Pro Lite – a lightweight race truck! Let’s take a look at the performance of both vehicles: first up, the Shelby F-150 Super Snake. Based on a Ford F-150, it features a 5.0-liter supercharged V8 engine that delivers 770 horsepower and 868 Nm of torque. That power is sent to all four wheels through a 10-speed automatic transmission, but it weighs around 2,198 kg. This model is from 2021 and costs £105,000.

On the other end of the spectrum, the Monster Pro Lite trophy truck weighs only 1,400 kg (less than a Porsche 911) and costs around £30,000. However, it packs a punch with its Ford small-block V8 engine generating 450 horsepower and coupled with a 3-speed semi-automatic transmission that sends power to the rear wheels.

While the Super Snake has all the power figures on its side, the stripped-down Monster Pro Lite might surprise the monstrous F-150. But you’ll have to watch to find out who wins… LET’S RACE!!

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Credit: YouTube/carwow Latin America

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